Simple Buoy Optimization: Find Balanced Rotation

Find the Rotation Equilibrium Rotation of a partially-submerged cylinder, with a user-specified Cargo applied at the deck edge.

This simple utility used Archimedes' Principle to find the rotation of a simple can-shaped buoy, assuming it has a cargo applied at its outboard edge. The optimizer model finds the centers of buoyancy and mass, and optimizes the net difference of the horizontal locations of each.

The optimizer uses the difference of the horizontal locations of these centers as a cost function, and seeks to minimize the delta (making it ~0).

To use this applet:

1) Specify the Mass of a cargo object (assumed to be located at the top, outboard edge of the Cylinder.

2) Specify the material the buoy is made of (to determine the weight of the buoy)

3) Specify the type of water the buoy is floating in (to determine the center of buoyancy)

4) Specify the diameter and height of the buoy itself.

5) Then press the button to find the find the equilibrium rotation of the floating condition.
For details on the model used, see the Simple Submerged Buoy here

Input Data

Problem Definition Variables

Cargo Mass: kg, @ Top Outboard Edge
Structural Material
Water Density
Cylinder Diameter: m
Cylinder Height: m

Initial Guess of Optimized Variables

Mean of Bounds
Use PreScreener
Cylinder Rotation: deg, +CCW about WL @ CL


User Run Options

Calculated Values

Search Bounds

Cylinder Rotation deg, +CCW @ CL & WL
Displacement % Submergence, Unrotated
Hull Weight kN

**** Output PLOT(s) ****

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